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Spaghetti Carbonara

When talking about Carbonara first thing youthink of is a plate of creamy, shiny spaghetti, with crispy notes of pork cheek(guanciale) and a sprinkling of freshly ground pepper!
Prep Time 10 mins
Total Time 25 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine Italian
Servings 4


  • 400 gr spaghetti
  • 4 fresh organic yolks
  • 6 tbsp grated Pecorino Romano
  • 2 tbsp grated Parmigiano Cheese
  • 250 gr guanciale
  • black pepper


  • Bringa large pot of water, when it is about to boil add a fistful of salt: the watermust be as salty as the sea. Don’t worry, the pasta will not absorb the entirequantity of salt and will be correctly salted. Then add spaghetti.
  • While the pasta is cooking, in a skillet put to goldenthe guanciale, previously cut in thin slices and then pieces, until is crispand the fat is melted. Drain the guanciale and keep aside. Keep the pan withthe fat, you will need it later!
  • Pourthe yolks in a bowl, add the two type of cheese and generous ground blackpepper, mix well to get a thick mixture. Keep aside.
  • When thepasta is half way of the cooking time, put the skillet with the cheek’s fat overmedium heat and when it is hot add a half ladle of the pasta cooking water (ifyou are preparing pasta for two people, a few tablespoons will be enough).Leave to simmer for few moments. then transfer the pasta directly in the pan, (rollup the spaghetti with the appropriate tool or with a large fork). Add morepasta cooking water and stir, like when you make risotto, to get the starchfrom the pasta, in few minutes water will become cloudy and will begin to coatthe pasta also thanks to the fat of the cheek. Don't leave completely evaporatethe water, doesn't have to be dry!
  • Whenpasta is al dente, take off the pan from the fire and wait more or less 10seconds (temperature must to be cooler before adding the yolk and cheesesmixture) add the yolk and cheeses, some water if needed, and stirenergetically to reach a creamy sauce. Add the crispy cheek, stir and serveimmediately.
Keyword guanciale, pecorino